07/06/2024 Cristina Márquez became part of the board and executive committee of the European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS) as an ordinary member. Learn more about the society here.

24/04/2024 is Laboratory Animal Day! Cristina Márquez talked about the importance of animal experimentation for scientific research. Watch the video and see the full story here.

02/02/2024 Cristina Márquez about how brain-machine interfaces research should open active dialogue in our society about neurotechnologies. In O Público. PT
Full text for Público subscribers only.

04/12/2023 Natália Madeira and Cristina Márquez published the primer for Plos Biology under the title Independent neural circuits encode the dynamics of social interaction in rats

02/11/2023 Celebrating 33 years of discovery and innovation at CNC-UC! Cristina Márquez was one of the 33 voices interviewed and gave her inspiring testimony here.

31/10/2023 Meet Natália Madeira

30/10/2023 Joan Esteve selected to give a talk at the Champalimaud Symposium 2023. More.

27/09/2023 Meet Inês Vieira

22/09/2023 Flavia Ricciardi and Cristina Márquez discussed on Natures‘s News and Views how maternal behavior is induced following pup’s calls

19/02/2023 Cristina Márquez interviewed on the topic of loneliness PT
Full text for Público subscribers only.

03/02/2023 DYNABrain’s line of research on the news PT

18/11/2022 Meet DYNABrain ERA Chair holder